
Ok, so in case you have been wondering about all the craziness from our instagram @travelingtriplets, here's the scoop. Yes, we had hair makeovers. Yes, it will be on TV. Yes, we were terrified. Yes, we all three look very different now. It's seriously amazing, we can't believe our own eyes!

Do any of you watch the show The Doctors? Well, if you're like me, you love shows like this and have been watching for years. There is something so luring about crazy body stuff that I just can't get enough of. What makes this show unique is their dream team of doctors that discuss various health related topics and answer any and all questions you may have. So if you're too embarrassed to ask your own doctor something, save a trip and tune in! Seriously, you will learn so much if you watch this show.

Ok, so where we come in. The show approached us through this blog, which honestly was pretty awesome (hehe)! The famous celebrity stylist who we seriously can't stop raving about, Ken Paves, was doing a segment on beauty and how any woman can pull off any look she wants. So, being identical triplets and all with very similar faces, we were prime candidates. So off to Ken's beautiful studio in Beverly Hills we went for new haircuts and colors. We took our "shy same selves" into that salon and were transformed haha! Only thing is, we cannot reveal our new doos until the show airs. Once we know when that will be, we will be sure to share it with you here for those who may want to tune in. In the mean time, we will be avoiding any photos that may include our beautiful new locks.  Darn ;).


  1. wow! how cool! can't wait to see the results!

  2. this is soooo awesome. I am dying to see!

    xx Laur


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © 2025 Maira Gall.