
 Location: Big Wood River, Idaho / Activity: tenkara fishing / Baby carrier: Snugli

Being on the road with a baby requires taking several breaks. Whether you need to stop for feeding or just a breath of fresh air, getting outside does everybody good. When we take breaks from driving we often stop to throw in a quick line of tenkara. If you haven't heard of tenkara, it is an ancient form of Japanese fishing that involves a rod, a line, and a fly. It's a simpler way to fish. Even Van can do it with a little help holding the rod, of course.

There are a few things I like to keep in the car at all times when traveling with a baby. One, a baby carrier. I love my carrier by Snugli. It is secure and durable, and baby can face forward or against your chest when they're small. It's nice to have your arms free and still keeping baby close. Two, a hat. You just never know--rain or shine. It's always a good idea to keep your baby's noggin' protected. Three, snacks. I love to carry baby food pouches like this when I'm on the go. Van loves them and there's no mess! The simplest things make road trips so much easier.

We hope you all had a great weekend and Happy Veteran's Day!


  1. I don't even have a baby and I require several breaks when driving, haha. And I kind of wish someone carried me around in a Snugli.

    1. haha for reals, babies live the life :)

  2. These photos are so pretty. It's cool that you guys get out so much still with the little one :)

    1. thank you so much, idaho is gorgeous. and yep babies just add fun to the adventure!


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.