
We were busy having so much fun last week that we kinda-sorta forgot to tell you... Meggie was here in Los Angeles visiting me and we were out and about having a blast 24-7! We cruised the PCH surfing along the way and we'll be back here sharing some of our downtown LA adventures as well as the fun surf spots in our area. Thought we could give you some last minute CA summer trip tips as summer nears its close. Saying goodbye to Megs sucked! Sissy withdrawals aren't easy to ignore, and the three of us plot daily to live as neighbors on the beach with babies in our bjorns. It's gonna happen. We missed our Lisa Peesa, but we'll be together soon enough.

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know what we're up to / @travelingtriplets


  1. cuties, cant wait to hear all about your trip and see the pics! so sad i wasn't there!! happy monday to everyone!!!

  2. i think the living-on-the-beach-as-neighbs-with-babes is a brilliant idea!

  3. you girls are so cute! I love living in LA..too many fun things to do :) interested to hear what adventures you got into downtown! <3


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.