
A few weeks ago Megan came and visited me (Kylie) in LA! I was so happy to have a sissy come out to see me, I had literally been bugging her for months to come out. She was probably so annoyed, poor thing, but of course I made her travels well worth the time and money.

If you ever come to the city of angels, Los Angeles, then we've created a short hit list of things you can do and see while you're here. There are a million more but this is a good start. Note, that no matter where you go there is surf and waves to be had - we just didn't photograph while surfing because, well, we were busy surfing. Here's our top 5 to get you started.

Destination: Dockweiler Beach / Activity: Beach bonfire / Firewood: $7 at grocery store

The trick with Dockweiler is to arrive early. California has a freak load of people in it - which means a LOT of people rushing out on weekends to get the best fire pit on the beach before the sun goes down. Dockweiler is located near the LAX airport, which definitely kinda sucks seeing how airplanes fly overhead every 5 minutes and you have to yell at your friends to hear each other. Nonetheless, it's the nearest and one of the only beaches in LA county where you can have bonfires so suck it up and have a good time. We got there at 2 pm and stayed til 10 pm, longest day of our lives! There was no surf to entertain us so we just rested, chatted about life and hung out under the sun. By the end of the night there will be parties hoppin' everywhere and all the firepits are claimed by 3 pm that afternoon so plan ahead. Also be ready to get your feet dirty because there is a lot of soot and ash in the sand from the fires, so you will probably end up looking a little dirty by the end of the night.

Destination: Hollywood & Highland / Activity: Hollywood Walk of Fame 

Ya gotta see the "stars" when you come to LA! It'll give you that Hollywood vibe with all the celebrities, musicians, artists and filmmakers plastered all over the ground. It stretches for 15 blocks and you can plan in advance to find the stars you're looking for here. There are also hand and foot prints for you to stick into as well! It's pretty fun and the city lights are quite exciting. There's a lot of energy here, with people dressed up and street entertainment as you pass along. People set up stalls of hot dogs, tacos and everything in between to settle the grumble in your tummy you're bound to get.

Destination: Griffith Observatory / Admission: Free / Location: Griffith Park

Do you like space? Science? Then you'll love Griffith Observatory! You can learn all about the star, sun, moon and the earth's orbit and get a pretty spectacular view of the entire city. There's a museum at the heart of the location that you can meander around reading plenty of scientific facts to blow your mind if you're into that sort of thing. 

Destination: Griffith Park / Activity: Picnic 

Griffith Park is huge. There are so many paths, trails and little spots to park and have a picnic it's kinda outta control. It's quite a ginormous plot of land in the middle of LA to help all us city dwellers to keep from going crazy by getting in touch with nature and escaping the city buzz. Just drive up to the entrance and cruise around looking for a spot. When you park, it is more fun just to go up and down exploring all the trails and finding the perfect spot. There are picnic tables and jungle gyms in certain areas and they even do pony rides and have merry go rounds in others. You'll have a good time, whether it be for exercise or leisure.

Destination: Diddy Riese / Location: Westwood / Price: $1.75

Are you serious?! HOMEMADE cookies with the best most delicious ice-cream in a sandwich for not even $2?! Now THAT is a steal. This place is so popular there is ALWAYS a line that goes far out the door and down the streets, and although it may tempt you to run the other way the line is there for a reason. It's a hip and fun little spot and the sandwiches are way worth the wait - which, by the way, goes by really fast. These cheap treats taste delicious and like a million bucks. I want to go back and eat one right now. 


  1. this is perfect ky! la was such a blast! i miss you already!

  2. WOW i loved all of this, how FUN. so glad to see what you guys did together. and i cant believe how cheap those nummy treats are they look bomb! and sog lad that you got to go that museum thing and enjoy nature and the view. love all the surfing and beaching you did too. what an awesome trip! love you ssiters. cant wait to be in cali together!!

  3. What a fun trip! The beach bonfire looks perfect.

  4. wow, looks like you had a wonderful time! i do miss california and la! such a cool place!! :)


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.