
Destination: Aruba / Activity: Parasailing / Price: $80


  1. AHH THIS IS SOOOO RADDDD!!!!!! you guys are soo cute! we need to do this. i was thinking - when you and lisa get here we need to do a trip to six flags and all three do that bungee thing where you are like catapulted swinging in a net thingy and really high do you know what i'm talking about? you can do three people and us three strapped in there filming it on a gopro would be the funniest TT video EVER!

  2. I love this!!! you two are adorable. Can I go to Aruba now please! :)) Happy Monday.

  3. Love it! My hubby and I went to Aruba on our Honeymoon and it was awesome!!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. EPIC that is all i can say

  5. Hey Triplets! I have been reading your blog for a while now and I am loving all your videos and posts! My fiance and I will be going to the Caribbean for our honeymoon in August, and this video makes me wish I could add parasailing to our list! ;) (We're already going zip lining!) I absolutely love traveling too so I am really enjoying your blog - thanks for sharing so much of your experiences with others! Please stop by my blog any time! Blessings!

  6. Anonymous8:16 PM

    megan, what are you and drew using as your video recorder in this video? just your phone?


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.