
Location: Manzanita, Oregon / Activity: hike and surf 

Short Sands is one of our favorite places to surf in Oregon. It's a beautiful beach break sheltered in a cove of forests and cliffs, characteristic of the Oregon coastlines. You really feel like you get the best of both worlds here. The locals all seem to have their favorite spots on the beach, and I observed them as they hiked in with all their gear. Dressed in beanies, jackets, pants, and hiking shoes they come prepared to stay warm after a cold surf session in the Pacific. Oregon coast surfing is not like any other, and I sort of love that about this place.

We woke up early in the morning (thank you Van) and were the first ones to the beach that day. It is a short half mile hike to Short Sands, located near Oswald's and Canon Beach. Green trees and flowing streams follow you along the trail until the land opens up and you finally make it to the beautiful ocean.

Babies have a lot of stuff, so I felt like a pack horse hiking in with my GoCrib, tote and board. Baby Van was a good boy and napped almost three hours on the beach! He must really love the sound of ocean waves. Little did I know during his nap I was getting sunburned despite being snuggled in a sleeping bag to keep warm. You won't be seeing many more pictures of me from this trip! That Oregon, always full of surprises. 

We were lucky to get such perfect weather while we were in Oregon and can't wait to go back in a few weeks!


  1. love this so much. can't wait to go in a few weeks - we are SO excited!

  2. Anonymous4:23 PM

    These photos are so beautiful, and it sounds like such a wonderful location! I want to learn how to surf now!

  3. oh wow, how cool! :)

  4. awe so cute. these pics are stunning. i cant wait to go this month! i remember canon beach :) good memories. sorry bout your burn :( and you do look like a pack horse haha where was drew? ;)

  5. I love that having a baby doesn't stop you from having adventures!


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.