
you'll have to excuse our absence from the blog this week. kylie is currently traveling to arizona for the holidays, lisa is having fun in california until she heads to mexico, and i am home for christmas anticipating the arrival of my first baby. you can say we've been a bit preoccupied.

today i thought it would be fun to share some of our favorite christmas traditions. we looooove the holidays and all the fun they bring with loved ones. here are some of our festive favorites...

hunting for big christmas trees // christmas grams // gingerbread houses // black friday shopping // chopping down our own christmas tree // a night on the town // baked gifts // sugar cookies // christmas crafts // yummy treats // christmas lights // reenacting the nativity // silly christmas videos // christmas decorations // ugly sweater party // skiing with santa

what are your favorite christmas traditions?


  1. CUTE love this and holiday traditions :)

  2. SO CUTE!

    I love all of the pictures, but that nativity one. so cute.

    Our Christmas traditions?
    my dad. whoops, I mean, the "fairies" hide our nativity pieces, and the kids have to find them before Christmas.
    we celebrate Christmas Eve by going to the childrens' church service at night, coming home and making the annual traditional meal, and then open gifts from the family.

    Then on Christmas we go to my mom's parents house to celebrate Christmas. (we're doing this one differently this year, though. :-[ )
    And usually a week later we go to my dad's parents house to celebrate there.
    And the day after we receive gifts, my dad always has all the gifts in baskets, and we can't use them until he throws them all to us after we claim them as ours. It's really fun.

    Rachel Nicole


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.