
January: Ky bird moved to California with her handsome hubby to pursue a film career, while Megan prepared for an epic adventure to Europe and Lissy hiked and surfed the winter swells in Hawaii.

February: Megan fell in love with France, watched a futbol game in Spain, stayed cozy in Andorra, and explored Monaco while Ky started collecting large pine cones on her frequent camp outings and Lisa invented photog-jog-raphy.

March: After freezing in Europe Megan cruised the Caribbean and spent a few days in Puerto Rico, while Kylie found comfort in weekend trips away from the city and Lisa finally enjoyed a break from school, as though living in Hawaii isn't luxury enough.

April: Lisa graduated from BYU-Hawaii with her Exercise and Sports Science degree and got to spend some time with our cute parents, while I road tripped to Nevada to see The Shins play and Kylie made her first film for a surf front rental company and had the most romantic weekend of her life.

May: Triplets reunited in Hawaii for the best birthday of our lives! We turned 24 this year and couldn't think of a better way to spend it than together on the beach re-living the dream.

June: Kylie volunteered in Guatemala and not only touched the lives of the children there, but raised awareness of alleviating poverty with her film in third world countries while I discovered I was pregnant and Lisa saw the coolest white lion in the world.

July: I went to California to visit Kylie and see what LA is all about, while Lisa got a visit with her in-laws and started blowing us all away with her baking and cooking skills.

August: Kylie road tripped in a VW bus, got a chameleon named Gary, and visited Arizona and Big Bear Lake while Lissy swam like a mermaid in her cute new red swimsuit and started training for a half marathon, and I took a surf trip to Oregon and found out I was having a baby boy!

September: Lisa got another visitor, her best friend from college, and played tour guide while Kylie saw some really ugly elephant seals and I went on a VW bus road trip to the Sawtooths for my babymoon.

October: Kylie came to visit me in Idaho to help launch a video for my new watch company, Feral, while Lissy remained focused on accomplishing every item on our fall bucket list and ran her first half marathon.

November: In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Lissy conducted a bake sale in order to raise money to donate to Hurricane Sandy relief funds and the holidays began.

December: Lisa visited Kylie in California for some quality sister time before her trip to Mexico (more on that later) and I have been busy nesting and anticipating the arrival of my baby boy. Who wants to make a guess when he will come?

This year has been good to us. Wear something sparkly tonight, make out at midnight, and set new goals because 2013 is going to be the best year of your life. Happy New Year!


  1. I had fun reading both of you gals reviews. Fun! =)
    When is your baby due? Do you have any names in mind?

    1. my baby is due january 22! yes i have a name picked out but we are waiting until he is born to announce it for sure :)

  2. sounds like an epic year! my year was good but I think 2013 will be the best. six months of traveling? yes please! can't wait to "meet" the little baby boy. he's gonna be ohso adorable! cheers! xx|natalia

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    oH mY! your almost identical posts are crazy and awesome! my ma's an identical twin and so i'm hoping the skip-a-generation-thing works for me and i have a pair! cute posts. may all go perfect for your baby boys arrival, megan!

  4. haha LOVED this megs, it made me smile and laugh. love all the descriptions youre a great writer! love the make out on new years part haha. wish i could a worn something sparkly but i was in my cozies by a fire and fell asleep ebfore 10 haha, oops! miss you!


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.