
POST EDIT: Megan and I did NOT communicate well and we both ended up making a 2012 in review post. The weird thing is, we both published the posts within minutes of each other. As it turns out, our freaky telepathy triplet-ness even had us both writing the posts at the SAME TIME. People, we were both writing the posts at the same time...we even do the same things with the same fonts. Honestly? Koo-koo. These posts just show that we are on the same wave length and it is real live proof that triplets really do think alike. We say similar things and even picked similar photos. I had to laugh at this so we kept them both up for good measure. 
January: We all moved. It was sad.
February: Meggie went to France with her honey heart. They also checked out Spain. They basically just smooched by the Eiffel tower, watched futbol games, and possibly created a child.
March: Lisa got her surf on in Hawaii because that's just what you do during the winter swells.
April: Megan joined the surf party all the way in Puerto Rico! She even went parasailing in Aruba and had a nice cruise adventure. We were all jealous.
May: We spent our 24th birthday together playing in the ocean every day for two weeks. We surfed a lot and ate a lot and basically never stopped smiling.
June: Kylie traveled to Guatemala to film for a humanitarian organization. She made two mini documentaries about some really special children living in poverty and came back a changed woman.
July: Lisa kept it real and paddle boarded Waimea Bay. She got a nice tan while she did it.
August: Megan made a wise choice and visited Kylie in LA. We surfed, ate, and snuggled and made an LA hit list for those of you coming out this way in the future.
September: Ky road tripped to Big Sur in a VW bus. It was a magical adventure and she even made a video about it that we all think you'll like. 
October: We went a little nutty with our Fall bucket list and did a million things that made us feel Fall-y. Even though not many of you (did any? ha!) joined in, we still had a good time! 
November: Lisa made an exquisite turkey for Thanksgiving and taught us how to make it too. She always knows how to woo us in the kitchen with (primarily) her Tasty Tuesdays.
December: Lisa spent a week visiting Ky in LA and all they did was everything filled with Christmas cheer day and night.

2012 was a good year to us. Between the three of us we had many adventures. I'd have to say that among all of them, the sweetest and most special was by far spending our 24th birthday together in the Hawaiian sun. That was such a special day that we will be talking about till we die. We also started making vlogs to help you get to know us a little better, and that's been lots of fun.

Now it's time we say out with the old, in with the new! Happy 2013, friends! Hope you ring in the new year with something fantastic. Time to start making those bucket lists and adding a few resolutions to get us motivated for this fresh start. Have a wonderful and safe holiday.

We'd like to start this new year with some new goals for our blog, and we'll be coming back to ask you what you'd like to see more or less of in 2013. Stay tuned!

See our 2011 in review here.


  1. I really enjoyed reading both highlight posts - it's amazing how you both did it the same time without knowing! :)

    I also wanted to say I'm really inspired by all of you, makes me want to pursue my dreams that might have seemed silly to me sometime. I'm hoping to start achieving them more this year and keep reading your blog to be inspired!

    Happy New Year 2013!

  2. You guys are too funny. Looks like you all had a fantastic year. Good luck in 2013!

  3. hahahaha HILARIOUS i was wondering why there were two. thanks for doing these ky and meg haha ;) love you guys and this review. made me so happy!

  4. Happy New Year! You guys sure had a busy year. Hope next year is just as wonderful.



TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.