
We recently stumbled upon this adorable article in the Gazette-Times about three identical brothers who are claimed to be the oldest triplets in the state of Oregon. Throughout their childhood they also shared a room, clothes, and classes in school. During adulthood they went their separate ways, but always found a way to stay connected. Who knew they'd all end up in the same place where they can golf together well into their 60s?

It was comforting to read about another set of triplets that also refers to each other as "best friends" and "soulmates". Triplets (or any multiples) truly share something so unique that not everybody can understand. We hope that our blog can be an outlet for other triplets to network and of course we appreciate all of you for following along our three separate lives until we meet again.


  1. Adorable :)

    I had a set of twins as best friends growing up and I was always sooo envious of the connection they shared, even as polar opposites! To this day, no matter how crappy one treats the other, they still are incredibly close.

    1. it's so true, there is some kind of special bond that connects us in that way where we forgive quickly :) but we always have plenty of room for close friends. I'm glad you are a good friend to them, I'm sure they love you tons!

  2. I have a twin, and agree with everything you said. It truly is a unique bond! I love to see how close all you sisters are, even though you are all married and spread across the country.

    1. isn't it just the best? one day we will live in the same state :) fingers crossed!!


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © 2025 Maira Gall.