
people told me beforehand, haiti is like africa. it felt like it, too - 
minus the cool safari animals and the fact that i've never been to africa
it does seem to be what i imagine it would be. the air is dry, and weather hot.
when it rains, it pours - and it lasts all through the night. haitians are go-getters,
do-it-yourself-ers, and don't-be-a-lazy-butt-ers. there is something about the
people - it's in their faces - their eyes - that just bores into your soul.
they stare with an incredible deepness, somewhere lost in thought.
it's intriguing and sad at the same time.
we took many long journeys in the land rover to several communities.
filming during the day, gallivanting with the little children - it felt like a dream. 
surrounded by knobby-haired kids with glowing white teeth, i smiled.
something i've always dreamt of doing had come true. we visited camps,
and with my camera equipment in tow sweat soaked through my shirt
and even gathered in places i didn't realize were capable of such sweat.

anxiety settled in as people continually didn't want to be filmed, waving us away,
covering their faces, yelling unknown foreign gestures, and even running at me 
with an unfriendly expression. all part of the job - the unexpected events that shoo our work,
yet at the same time make us want to push the limits. sometimes i feel selfish 
doing whatever it takes "to get the best shot," but in the end,
i'm a story teller - it's just what i do. i tell stories. and hopefully, if i'm lucky,
they're compelling enough to make just a little difference.


  1. So many precious little faces. Thank you for sharing!

  2. awesome post ky! epic photos.


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.