
not 1, not 2, but 3 and no fertility!
In honor of today, we'd like to take a moment and tell our mom how rad she is.

Thank you for sacrificing your body to bring us into this world safe and sound. You are an amazing mother, friend, and person all around- let alone, babe.

Here are a few of our favorite memories with mom.

Kylie: "She took my fears and instead of pushing them aside we tackled them together. We sat down, made lists and calendars, tracked things, and discussed almost daily the things I could do to worry less. She would listen to me as I stayed up way past my 8 o'clock bedtime as a young girl with my heart practically beating out of my chest over a number of unknown fears. Instead of saying what any tired mother deserves to say, "Just go to bed, honey," she endured those long scary nights with me. I remember her being there, in the dark, just being with me. Together we would say a little prayer and I'd probably just fall asleep right then and there, right where I felt most loved and at peace - in my mother's arms."

Lisa: "Recently when I was visiting home without my husband or sisters to interfere, I had lots of one on one time with my mom. Linking arms wherever we went, I loved visiting her school to drop off her soda, eating too many yummy scones at Texas Roadhouse, watching old era TV shows, and giving her my old clothes while watching her be a cute model. And the best part was, I think we talked to each other in an English accent 90% of the time without fail. Her accent is far better than mine. Must be all the books she reads!"

Megan: "We were watching the movie Pride and Prejudice together (again) and were gawking over how suddenly attractive Mr. Darcy got as he finally decided to confess his love to Miss Bennet. He went on to stutter over the word 'love', and repeated it three times. We about died of cuteness the way he said it. Now we always say to each other- I luff luff luff you."

Happy Mother's Day, mama. We love you!

your girlies


  1. this makes me smile,,

  2. Awww. This is so sweet. And you girls look just like your mom! She is a serious trooper for raising triplets on top of her other children.

  3. I know I'm already preggo but seeing baby Jedd is making me baby crazy all over again. And how is it possible your mom can pull off carrying triplets better then most people carrying one? blehhhh not faaaair.


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.