
Melona Smoothie

Country of Origin: United States, Hawaii

If you have every been to Hawaii, I really hope you ate a melona bar. I first found them in a local grocery store while on vacation to Oahu before I lived here. I have never seen these anywhere else besides Hawaii, but they are the most dreamy and delicious South Korean creamsicles in the world. My favorite is the melon flavored one, although they come in other fruit flavors. I bought a honeydew last week and wasn't sure what to do with it so my friend Rachel who grew up in Hawaii told me a quick and delicious recipe. So thanks to her, here it is. She didn't tell me the quantities so I did some research to find some accurate measurements and this turned out so so so yummy. So here you go, a melona bar inspired smoothie, delicious!! 

This recipe is enough for two people. Use a full honeydew (3-4 pounds) and double the recipe if you want to make it for four or more people.

1/2 ripe honeydew
1/2 cup coconut milk
2-3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup ice cubes

chop honeydew in half and remove seeds
remove skin of honeydew with a knife
 slice into little chunks
place honeydew into blender
add sugar, vanilla, and ice cubes
pour in half a cup of coconut milk
blend till smooth

*you can also add cantelope, strawberries, or lime if you don't like just the melon and coconut flavor

When I was done I had some leftover smoothie, so I decided to throw the remainder in my ice cube tray. An hour into the freezing I placed toothpicks in them to make ice pops.  Then I waited till after dinner to enjoy them as a treat, leaving about 4 hours hardening time. My mom used to do this when my sisters and I were little, so it brought back a lot of fun memories. Don't mind if I do!


  1. truly delish! do you think i could make frozen pops with strawberries and coconut milk? would that be good?

    1. yep thats pretty much exactly what i did! just follow same recipe but use strawberries and blueberries or something. my fruit filled the entire blender almost. so if you don't have many berries just put enough coconut milk in it that it will blend what you have. then add a splash of vanilla and tablespoon of sugar with ice cubes. yummmm! then freeze it like i did. there are a bajillion ways you can do this sis, but try it :)!

  2. Yum!! Definitely going to have to try this before summer is over :)

  3. NEED to try this. Gotta get back to Hawaii, too. Hm.

    <3 Daryl
    Roots, Wings & Other Things.

  4. Melona bars! They sell them in HUGE boxes in Taiwan that take up my whole freezer, but they are so good. I eat them all summer. I'll have to try this new smoothie, thanks.


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