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hey, guys! remember this video we made in peru? i have some exciting news.
it has been selected by trip films to win the "most inspiring" video!

i'd love it if you could help us out and vote for our "ascend peru" video here.
please follow the link here and scroll down to "get out there award" section
and cast your vote now for our "ascend peru" video! it's really easy!

we have until may 30th to cast votes, so any and all will help.
we'd sure appreciate it, as voting for this video is not just an honor to us,
but also to the people of peru that need the world's caring support.


  1. wow, that's a really lovely video! Love it!

  2. gosh i seriously love that guy in the end. he knows whats up. wise wise man. love this video ky! i voted!

  3. i voted! congratulations for your work! it is pretty amazing!!

  4. I am sad I just found your blog today! I would have voted for this video for sure! I hope you all won! I went to Peru several years ago and fell in love with the people, culture and life there. It was amazing. I really enjoyed seeing this video! Brought back lots of great memories!


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.