
The triplet trio giving tips on where we like to stay when traveling, how we manage to do it so often and even sharing facts like our favorite food and when our passion for traveling was born! What fun. 


  1. Loved the travel answers. I haven't done that much traveling but did visit/worked in Hong Kong for a few weeks (I had an amazing experience) which made me want to go back and explore all over Asia, do I will definitely put Thailand and Cambodia on that list now. Thanks!

  2. haha lisa describing the sand in the bahamas as fairy dust was hilarious! and ky so passionate about reading ;)

  3. You ladies are so cute! Looove the vlog! :)

  4. So while I was watching your vlog, my boyfriend walked by and goes "Which triplet is that?" And I said "Kylie." And he goes "Oh yeah, triplet number one!" ....Obviously this means I love to watch your vlogs, and apparently, he does too. :) Keep it up!

    Question for you (that I hope you haven't already answered): Besides French, what other nationalities are you? Do any of you speak French? Or any other languages?

  5. Anonymous10:33 PM

    oh, i love these little vlogs! i'm so glad you make them, it's fun to hear your voices! keep it up please and thank you :)

  6. Kylie, I hate you for making me want swan mio chao ro. And tu dosu. mmmm....

  7. Hey - I just found your blog after searching stuff on multiples. You guys seem seriously down to earth, funny, creative, and just living life right. And, as a fellow travel-addict, I got totally sucked into your traveling adventures! :) ALSO, I have two sisters, close in age, so while I'm not a triplet, I can relate to the three girl family bond! ;)

    You guys seem awesomely open-minded in your travels across the world, as far as other cultures and races and people go...

    ...But I (and my sisters) have one question. How do you guys feel about gay people? And their general rights as loving, caring human beings in the world? I ask because I know you're Mormon, and your open-mindedness seems like it would kind of blow my mind if you denounced the right to love, as you put so much love in the world. Background: I am a lesbian, with a partner of three years, who I am as head-over-heels in love with as you are in love with your husbands. I believe in monogamy and commitment and family and (as soon as it's legal in California) we are going to commit our lives to one another just as you have committed to your husbands. My sisters are straight (they're sitting next to me as I type) and they are curious too. One of them actually is engaged to a boy who used to be Mormon, but stopped going to church after they denounced his best gay friend as being unworthy of the same rights in love as he was.

    This is not meant to be an angry or accusatory post at all, and if it comes across that way, I apologize. I really do love your blog(s). I just would love to hear the point of view on this issue from open-minded and world-loving Mormons, as you seem to be. My last question I guess is...I know you all want to have would you do if any of your children came out to you as gay?

    With lots of respect and curiosity,


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.