
The good word from a real-live-3D triplet, giving triplet moms a few tricks and stories that may help you mothers who are feeling a bit overwhelmed with triplet-dom out. 


  1. Love these vlogs! I can tell you three apart now just from hearing you all speak! In pictures I can never tell the difference. :) Ohhh this just makes me wish I was a triplet even more. Happy Friday!

  2. Just have to say that these videos make me miss all of you. But each of you. Individually. ;) I love you!

  3. These vlogs make my day!!! :) I have always wanted twins/triplets so I'm totally enthralled, in a non-stalker way. :) Have a great weekend!

  4. Kylie, I am so super stoked you commented on my little blog awhile back. No idea how you found it but I was honored and I love EACH of your blogs individually. Even though you are all strangers to me, you all have such cool, fun lives (yes, I was bored at work and looked at your other blogs... ummm.. yup!) and I love seeing all your fun photos! I almost have a little bit of triplet-envy after watching this because I think being a triplet would be so much fun. Girls must have been crazy not to be your friends in high school because I think that would be awesome! I look forward to the next vlog and seeing more of your travels. You girls are inspiring ..and Megan, I vote you put more of the light brown leather watches in your etsy shoppe because I looked at that the other night and I want one but there are none. Lisa.. because no one should be left out... your last name is super rad. The end! k bye!

  5. Anonymous6:09 PM

    thanks for another great vlog!! keep them coming! :)

  6. Anonymous10:47 PM

    love the vlogs! would love to hear about how each of you were insipired to start travelling! as a fellow young person I'm interested in how you guys managed/afforded your travels while still in university?

  7. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Loving the vlogs! Keep 'em comin! :) I would love to hear how each of you met your husbands, how far apart you each got married, and if you all plan on eventually living in the same place :). Have a good weekend.... hope you're enjoying the nice weather in LA, Kylie... I know I am!!

  8. Looks like a lot of what you three went through growing up as triplets was like my growing up years as a "single". A single with a 16 mouth older sister. We were the same hight growing up and somehow people thought we looked identical (still don't see how). Big Sis and I had/have almost all the same friends but my name was rarely used I was referred to as "Jari's little sister" or we were called the Santos Sister/ The Sister Santos. She was my built in best friend but I remember thinking that Mom like her better she too was clean and helpful. I truly enjoy your blog!! keep the posts coming...

  9. Frieda1:31 PM

    Hi! I love your interesting and fun blog and I would just like to say that you do not come across as "equal" at all.
    I started watching this Vlog and knew immediately who was who from your last Vlog. On photos it´s basically not possible to tell you apart but in the videos your individual personality become surprisingly obvious. Megan seems to be the most "smily" one, Lisa appears most mature and Kylie looks the youngest (no offense :)) and very chilled. I might be completely wrong but that´s what came to my mind when I watched it :)
    It would be cool to see your husbands in the vlogs! xx from Europe! Frieda

  10. Frieda1:33 PM

    P.S. Can you do a post on your style? I love almost everything you guys were in your photos, it´d be awesome to know where you go shopping and what you like to buy.

  11. Do you all have college degrees? If so what did you major in? and do you work in a field that is compatible with your degree's? Love your blogs :)

  12. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Did you girls already blog about your religion? I'd be interested in hearing about it and how you became mormons. I know mormons have to wear special underwear but you gals don't, how strict is your religion? I was under the impression that it was very strict. I'm unsure how personal that is! lol

    1. Hi anonymous, yes we already vlogged about our religion - please watch the video here to hear our perspective:

  13. love your vlogs! keep them up!

  14. Thank you SO much for these!! PLEASE keep them coming. I have mentioned before that I am a mom of 18 month old identical girls! I LOVE hearing your stories and learning from you. Keep it up!! Here's a link to my blog if you wanted to see some toddler id trips :) :) :)

    Can't wait for next Friday! Have a great week!

  15. These videos are so flipping cute! Love you Kylie, Lisa and Megs!

  16. I just love your videos! Im sure my identical triplet girls would thank you if they could....they are only 8 months.;) Excited to hear more from you guys on your vlogs!


TRAVELING TRIPLETS. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.